Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fill Out Your Juror's Ballot & Defend Your Gun Rights!

Dear American,
You have been selected to be on a special jury to help decide the fate of more than 80 million gun owners in America.
SELECT HERE to receive your electronic JUROR's BALLOT, imprinted with your name for your personal use in officially rendering your verdict. The JUROR BALLOT you fill out will be collected along with others and presented to the Supreme Court at the next gun rights case. Make your voice heard at the Supreme Court!
Restoring the Second Amendment guarantee of the right to keep and bear arms is what's at stake for these 80 million Americans...of which you may be one.
Please Weigh Your Verdict Carefully, Asking Yourself These Key Questions:
  1. Should law abiding American's have the right to keep a gun in their own home for self-protection even if it is a semi-automatic?
  2. Is it an infringement or a prior restraint on the right to keep and bear arms for individuals in America with no criminal record to be forced to wait 7, 14 or 30 days to buy a gun to defend themselves against a criminal attack?
  3. Should judges enforce the Bill of Rights and the Constitution as originally intended by those who drafted, proposed and ratified its provisions rather than inject their personal bias?
I say YES! The gun grabbers of the Brady Gun Ban Center, Mayor Bloomberg's Gun Ban Coalition and President Barack Obama and his anti-gun friends say NO! What is your verdict?
Please select here to fill out your JUROR's BALLOT. It will only take a minute to enter your verdict.
Acting as jury foreman, I plan to announce your verdict to all nine members of the Supreme Court. It is critical that our Supreme Court Judges hear your verdict before they decide the next gun rights case that is headed to the United States Supreme Court.
You see, all nine members of the high court still feel the heat to speak from the "Court of Public Opinion." Your JUROR's BALLOT can help protect and restore the  Second Amendment rights of millions of gun owners across the country.
I hope you use your JUROR's BALLOT to send a loud message that all judges should enforce the law, and especially our beloved Constitution and Bill of Rights as originally intended by the founders of this great nation. But that's not what the Brady Gun Ban Center or power hungry politicians like Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, and Mayor Bloomberg want you to do.

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