Status of State Resolutions
If you would like to be part of passing a PRA or CRC resolution in YOUR state, please email to learn more.
Here is a status summary of those resolutions by State:
Alabama SUCCESS! SJR65 opposing ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted by the Alabama legislature April 19-21, 2011. The vote in the House was 57-10. (A voice vote was taken in the Senate.) | |
Alaska Volunteers are recruiting lead sponsors for a 2011 resolution. More grassroots help needed. 2010: S.J.R. 26, supporting the Parental Rights Amendment, was introduced in Alaska's State Senate on January 20, 2010. | |
Arizona Local volunteers are searching for sponsors. More help needed. | |
Arkansas Local volunteers are searching for sponsors to introduce a 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
California Volunteers are finding a sponsor. More help needed. | |
Colorado The PRO state coordinator for Colorado is looking for a sponsor; more help needed. | |
Connecticut Connecticut is the one state where no effort has yet gotten underway to present a resolution in 2011. Volunteers needed. | |
Delaware Lead sponsors confirmed; resolutions awaits introduction in the legislature. | |
Florida SUCCESS! House Memorial 557 (HM 557), introduced by Rep. Coley on Jan. 28, 2011, passed the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee March 28 (9-2) and the House Judiciary (16-1) April 7 and passed the House on April 26. SM 954 was filed in the Senate on Feb. 10 by Sen. Flores and passed the Senate Judiciary Committee (7-0) on March 14; the Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (4-1) March 24; and the Senate Government Oversight Committee (11-0) March 30. SM 954 passed the full Senate by a vote of 38-0 on April 28, 2011. | |
Georgia HR 738, a Parental Rights Amendment resolution, was introduced by Rep. Neal with 3 cosponsors on March 29. We do not anticipate further action until next year, which is the same session of the Georgia legislature. SR 601, a resolution opposing CRC ratification, was introduced by Sen. Jeff Mullis on April 12. We do not anticipate action until 2012. | |
Hawaii HCR179/SCR49 have been introduced and sent to committee. HCR 179 was heard in committee March 28 and deferred for now, with opposition from Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. HR86 and SR25 have been introduced as a back-up plan in case one house is opposed. | |
Idaho SUCCESS! 2011: HJM 1 supporting the Parental Rights Amendment passed the House (49-20) on Feb. 7, and overwhelmingly passed the Senate on March 9, 2011 by a voice vote. | |
Illinois State coordinator has secured a lead sponsor. Resolution ready to be drafted and cosponsors secured. More help needed. SUCCESS: SR 92 proposes a resolution supporting U.S. ratification of the CRC. This resolution was successfully opposed. | |
Indiana ParentalRights.Org is in talks with a potential lead sponsor for a 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
Iowa SCR10 was introduced by 21 sponsors but effectively stalled in committee. Sponsors will begin work toward a 2012 resolution. | |
Kansas Volunteers and a sponsor ran out of time in the brief 2011 session, but are working on a 2012 resolution. | |
Kentucky Volunteers are pursuing a lead sponsor and working on a 2011 resolution. Help needed to secure lead sponsor. | |
Louisiana SUCCESS! 2010: S.C.R. 38, supporting the Parental Rights Amendment, unanimously passed both the House (93-0) and Senate (34-0) in June 2010. | |
Maine Volunteers and the Maine GOP are working on a potential 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
Maryland Volunteers are pursuing a lead sponsor and working on a 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
Massachusetts Volunteers are pursuing a lead sponsor for a 2011 resolution. | |
Michigan Jack Hoogendyk of Citizens Alliance for Life and Liberty is building a coalition. PRA resolution is in bill drafting. | |
Minnesota SF 570/HF 950 supporting the Parental Rights Amendment were introduced March 3, 2011. Lead sponsors are Sen. Jungbauer and Rep. Laine. SF 63 opposing ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child was introduced by Sen. Jungbauer Jan. 20. Its companion, HF 402 was introduced by Rep. Erickson Feb. 7. | |
Mississippi Deadline has passed to introduce a 2011 resolution. Volunteers are already working to secure sponsors for 2012. More help would be welcome. | |
Missouri PRO is working with volunteers to find a lead sponsor to champion a 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
Montana SUCCESS! 2011: Senate Joint Resolution 9 (SJR 9) led by Sen. R. Hutton passed the Senate by a vote of 26-24 on Feb. 10. Passed House Judiciary (14-6) March 8 and passed the full House (65-32) March 11. | |
Nebraska Working with state volunteers to introduce a resolution; no sponsor yet. More help needed. | |
Nevada Working with state volunteers to introduce a resolution; no sponsor yet. More help needed. | |
New Hampshire Working with state volunteers to introduce a resolution; no sponsor yet. More help needed. | |
New Jersey Sen. Doherty will introduce; resolution being drafted. More help needed. | |
New Mexico Working with state volunteers to introduce a resolution; no sponsor yet. More help needed. | |
New York We have a sponsor, resolution is awaiting introduction. More help needed. | |
North Carolina Rep. Fred Steen will introduce a resolution in the NC House; volunteers pursuing a lead Senate sponsor. More help needed. | |
North Dakota Working with state volunteers to introduce a resolution; no sponsor yet. More help needed. | |
Ohio Lead volunteers have solidified a lead sponsor. Awaiting introduction. More help needed. | |
Oklahoma Rep. Faught introduced HCR1017 on April 19. Be ready for alerts calling for phone and email support when needed. | |
SUCCESS! 2010: H.C.R. 1033, opposing U.S. ratification of the UN's CRC, passed both the House (61-28) and the Senate (voice vote). | |
Oregon Deadline passed for introducing a resolution in 2011. Volunteers are gathering sponsors for a resolution in 2012. More help would be welcome. | |
Pennsylvania HR 97 was introduced by Rep. Tallman on Feb. 25 and submitted to the House Children and Youth Committee March 1. | |
Rhode Island Volunteers are working to secure a lead sponsor and introduce a resolution. SUCCESS: SR 494 and HR 5517 propose resolutions supporting U.S. ratification of the CRC. These resolutions were successfully opposed. | |
South Carolina Volunteers are pursuing a lead sponsor for a 2011 resolution. More help needed. | |
South Dakota SUCCESS! 2010: H.C.R. 1014, supporting the Parental Rights Amendment, passed both the House (41-28) and the Senate (21-13) in March 2010. | |
Tennessee Volunteers working to secure a lead sponsor for the 2011 session. SUCCESS! 2010: H.J.R. 0369, opposing U.S. ratification of the UN's CRC, passed the General Assembly (70-20) in June 09 and the Senate (26-3) in February 10. | |
Texas HCR 60, introduced by Rep. Burkett on Feb. 10, passed the House Select Committee on State Sovereignty on April 14 by a vote of 5-1 (with 1 absent). It passed the House May 18 by a vote of 123-21 (2 pnv, 4 absent). It must now move quickly through the Senate. | |
Utah Resolution is in the works; volunteers are securing a lead sponsor. Awaiting introduction in 2011. | |
Vermont Volunteers are working to secure lead sponsors and introduce a resolution. | |
Virginia Deadline is passed to introduce a resolution in Virginia this session. Volunteers and likely cosponsors are working toward a resolution in 2012. | |
Washington Working with volunteers on getting a sponsor to introduce a resolution. | |
West Virginia State leaders may have found a lead sponsor; awaiting final reply. | |
Wisconsin Working with volunteers on getting a sponsor to introduce a resolution. | |
Wyoming Deadline passed for introduction of new resolutions this session. Volunteers are gathering legislators to sponsor a resolution in 2012. |